Monday, December 1, 2008

On Holiday

Aloha fellow cycling friends! Raja and I have escaped the cold dreary days of Georgia for a little R&R in Hawaii, but I at least wanted to check in and say hello.

While Hawaii is not a cycling paradise in our book, it doesn't keep us off the trails, of course.

This is by no means, Camp Hillseeker. In fact, it's more like the vacation we needed upon graduation from the fabulous Swiss Cycle-rama. Better late than never.

No time has been wasted though, and a new cyclist was born. We had the privilege of helping this guy take his first spin, and judging from his smile I think he's hooked.

Just because we're relaxing on the beach doesn't mean we're not thinking about our buddies back home.

The weather is here, wish you were beautiful. I mean, you all are beautiful, and we wish you were here!

Here's to a week of sunshine and flowers. See ya when we get back, cause we're on holiday!


Brian said...

Be glad you are on the beach, it was snowing most of the day up here in N. Ga.... Ughhhh. But I'm happy to report my new ride is AWESOME! See you soon.

Becky said...

Ahhhh, looks great. Doesn't everyone need a vacation to rest from their previous vacation - I mean holiday :) Enjoy! And Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh if I could only jump right in your pictures, I would!! I hope you had the most wonderful birthday my dear friend. Glad you are having an amazing holiday.