Slowly the reality of life back in America is sinking in and the excitement of Camp Hillseeker is just a memory. Returning from such an incredible European experience with fantastic friends is always a tough thing to do, and much harder than any of the insane rides we did.
We arrived back in Georgia on Tuesday, and I attempted an easy ride from home on Thursday. I did not feel too bad. Naturally I rode to Kennesaw Mountain because climbing is the only thing my body is programmed to do. After 1 repeat I decided not to waste my time with more. This climb takes only 10 minutes at a snail's pace, so why bother. I now only do ascents of an hour minimum and 10,000'. Geez.
Each day since we have been back, we have forced ourselves to stay up at least till 9:30. Recovering from jet lag is nothing new for us, but this one was like being thrown a curve ball. I thought after Thursday's easy ride that things were going to get back on track quickly, but nothing could be further from the truth. Friday I could barely stay awake and had to prop my eyes open with toothpicks just to greet Raja when he got home from work at 5:30.
In week 5 of my push ups regime, I had been sticking to the task, but the effort felt herculean. It dawned on me that the sheer fatigued state of my body may have something to do with it. I just now looked at next week's routine, and burst outloud snidely to an empty house, "I can't do that!"
No, not a good attitude to have, but it reflected the magnitude of my exhaustion. This glimpse of a weak moment confirmed my decision this morning to opt out of joining Raja and the gang for a ride at Blankets. Rest and recovery is first and foremost on my agenda. A repeat of week 5's push ups sounds just fine.
So if I am so utterly fatigued and wasted, then explain why Raja is not in the same boat? Did we not attend the same camp, eat the same food, ride the same rides? And to add insult to injury, he has 4 more years on his engine than I do. Ouch, somebody's pinching my pride.
For the past 2 years, Raja has had the honor of celebrating his birthday with Jeff and Becky in Europe. Last year was in Italy, and this year was in Switzerland. Not bad for a birthday present, eh? But I still felt he needed to have a mountain bike birthday ride with his buds here at home. Even though it was a few days belated, we managed to surprise him on Saturday with a gathering of friends at the Tanasi Trail system in TN.

I was thrilled to have some of our roadie friends along as well as our fatty treads. Barry & Alexis took a break from thrashing the shavers, and even Sweetwater joined us. This was his first time to Tanasi, and I think he enjoyed the trails.

I love having James & Amy adding to our fun on alot of our recent rides. They were smart enough to make it a camping weekend, so they are probably enjoying the trails again today.

RedRocker and Lonestar made a guest appearance despite tight social schedules. It's tough being in such high demand!

Regularjoe came with camera in tow to graciously share in the photoninja duties. Quite honestly, my exhaustion is in every form imaginable, and I could not bring myself to carry the SLR on the ride. Only the point n shoot would do, so I appreciated Joe, Al, and Duckman taking over my job!

Both Joe and Ony were drawing from the power of the tiara, as they were dropping the rest of us in the pursuit of birthday boy Raja.

The Captain and Al rounded out our colorful group. It's always a laugh a minute riding with these two guys!

Raja beat out an impossible pace on Brush Creek. By the time we finished that fabulous section of singletrack, most of us regretted trying to keep chase. We knew we would pay for it, and I already was!
We ran into Laina and Vic out warming up for the Black Bear Rampage. Hi ya'll!

We got to the turnoff for the Quartz Loop, and the Captain must have read my mind. He saved face for me and said he was going to sit out the loop. Not only did I raise my hand to sign up for the opt out, but so did Al, Duckman, and Robin! The rest sped off while we wallered in the dirt and had a good time relaxing and laughing!
Before we could say boo, the gang was back, and Raja had a twinkle in his eyes.

Heading back down from Quartz to the Riverview Loop, I looked for somewhere to get a blood transfusion. There was no way I was going to finish the ride.

We divided into two groups, The Ride of Shame or The Ride of Fame. Merrily, Raja, Barry, Alexis, Joe, and Ony raced on for the whole enchilada, while the rest of us followed a Trail of Tears. Oh, it wasn't really that sad. Pathetic, but not sad! It's always good to be with friends on a mountain bike even if you're limping and dragging one leg behind.

It was not without drama. Sweetwater had a flat. Robin careened down the side of the trail. James test rode everyone's bike while we all passed out in the grass, and Duckman broke his chain causing a pileup on the highway. I enjoyed myself immensely and would have it no other way!

We were so pathetic in our movement, that the Rider's of Fame caught us at the bottom of Thunder Rock Express. Whatever. EPOjoe was with them, so I'm sure he was passing out pills. We definitely all got Ony-ed on today's ride. Dang, these beginners!

There is truly something for every level at Tanasi. And when you've had enough riding, it's the perfect setting for a relaxing chill while you watch the rafters and paddlers go by to the sound of the rushing waters.

Yes, I was exhausted and I still am today, but it has been a barrel of fun getting there. We're so fortunate to have so many talented and wonderful friends, whether overseas or here at home. We enjoy the adventures we share and thank you all for being a part of our Life on a Bike! Here's to more exhausting fun!

What a great b'day surprise! We are honored to have been able to share Raja's b'day at beautiful locations two yrs in a row. I would be exhausted too if I had done all the pictures and blogs you did IN ADDITION TO all the riding and climbing we did out here! Glad to see you are at least slightly human ;)
"We" beginners do realize that we're merely tagging along and are so, so grateful to have such a great group of mentors and friends to bring us along on such a wonderful journey.
The drugs help too... :-)
I'm so glad Roger was surprised, and that you all had such a fun ride!
Your delicious cake was far and away the best thing we ate all weekend! Camping food, and even restaurant food couldn't compare!
Joe said it best. You guys hung the moon, as far as I'm concerned, so it's an honor to be able to tag along any time.
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